Thrive Relation Recovery - Therapy Services in Centennial, CO

5 Easy Tips to Help Improve Your Relationship in 2021

Rebecca Knudsen • February 15, 2021
Thrive Relational Recovery - 5 Tips to help you improve your relationship in 2021

2020 was a challenging year for most of us. Now, you may be looking for ways to improve your relationship after such a stressful year. Wouldn't it be nice to have an 'easy' button to press and have things be better instantly? I hate to be the one to tell you; there's not a magical 'easy' button. However, there are some ways to improve your relationship that you may find easy to implement. 

Relationships require patience and hard work. That being said, when stress hits, it's often our relationships that feel the impact. In fact, study after study will show you; stress can lead to conflict and contention. 

So, what can you do this year to help improve your relationship? In this article, we'll provide 5 ideas you can start working on today. 

Thrive Relational Recovery - 5 Tips to help you improve your relationship

5 Tips to Help You Improve Your Relationship

Here are 5 ideas that may help you begin to improve your relationship. 

  1. Be intentional. One great way to reach your goal of improving your relationship is to be intentional about it. Being intentional requires action and effort, which is also why it's more likely to lead to success. Suppose you intend to be present. In that case, you're likely to take action by setting distractions aside so you can engage in conversation. 
  2. Play together. The adage, "Laughter is the best medicine." can apply to relationships too. After a year like 2020, we could all use more laughter in our lives. So, find ways to engage in playful activities that may interrupt or reduce the stress that may be impacting your relationship. 
  3. Be flexible. If 2020 taught us anything, it's that life can change drastically without warning. We know a solid bond requires both of you to give and take and compromise at times. Therefore, learning how to be flexible can promote harmony within your relationship. 
  4. Apologize. Many say it's not about the argument; it's about how you handle it that's important. Keep in mind, a genuine apology is more than a quick "I'm sorry." On the contrary, it's important to provide forgiveness if you're the one on the receiving end of the apology. Creating an environment that makes apologizing more comfortable can help improve your relationship. 
  5. Keep in touch. Remember, you don't have to remain six-feet apart from your spouse. Physical touch can boost the quality of your relationship. So, reach out and touch each other as you pass in the hallway. Hold hands when you watch a movie or hug and kiss before you go to bed at night. Likewise, gentle physical touch when your partner is having a difficult time can provide validation and comfort. 

Thrive Relational Recovery -Does your relationship need more help?

What if our relationship needs more help? 

After a stressful year, you may feel like there's distance between the two of you that's led to a big disconnect. Likewise, there may be some underlying issues that need special repair work to heal. If so, couples therapy could be a great way to help bring you back together. 

At Thrive Relational Recovery, we understand the impact 2020 may have had on your relationship. We help couples reconnect and may be able to help you too. Visit our website or call us today. 

Thrive Relational Recovery - FAQ: How to improve your relationship

FAQ - Relationship

  • Can you improve a weak or broken relationship?

    Short answer is "yes!" Relationships require patience and hard work. That being said, when stress hits, it's often our relationships that feel the impact. In fact, study after study will show you; stress can lead to conflict and contention.  However, a therapist can show you and your partner how to overcome and manage life's challenges while keeping a strong relationship.  Learn more

  • How you can begin to improve your relationship

    Here are 5 ideas that may help you begin to improve your relationship. 

    • Be intentional. 
    • Play together. 
    • Be flexible. 
    • Apologize. 
    • Keep in touch. 
  • What if our relationship needs more help?

    At Thrive Relational Recovery, we understand the impact 2020 may have had on your relationship. We help couples reconnect and may be able to help you too. Schedule an appointment or call us today.

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